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Saturday, 19 October 2013

Chef Wan Cookings

          Take a fresh look at Chef Wan’s superb cooking and delectable recipes mixed with a pinch of flair and a drop of casual elegance by the culinary master himself. 

          "I’ve started to learn cooking from my mother since I was 8. Being the eldest of seven, I really had the mind of a 12-year-old. There was never enough money for food so I had to help my mom sell food at military baracks. When you come from a humble background, you learn to appreciate that food doesn’t just come by easily." - Chef Wan 

Chef Wan's cookings

Nasi Lemak Style Chef Wan 

 Prawn and Rice Noodle Salad 


 Ayam Masak Merah   

Here's are one of Chef Wan's cooking recipe: 

Bahan-bahan Mee dan Aksesori:
Saiz hidangan: 3-4 orang
1 bungkus mee kuning (celur, basuh dan toskan)
2 keping tauhu- goreng dan hiris nipis
Taugeh- dicelur
Daun sup
Telur rebus
Cili besar- dihiris nipis
Bawang goreng
Limau kasturi/limau nipis
Bahan-bahan kuah:
2 mangkuk kecil  daging
1 kg tulang
10-12 ekor udang
4 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
Sedikit halia
3-4 sudu besar  cili kisar
2 sudu besar rempah kari
2  biji ubi kentang  sederhana besar – rebus dan dikisar
1 batang carrot – rebus dan dikisar
1 biji ubi keledek – rebus dan dikisar
Segenggam kacang tanah – sangan  dan ditumbuk/dikisar
2 sudu besar tauchu - kisar
1 ½  sudu besar udang kering
Gula Melaka
Bawang goreng
  • Tumbuk/kisar bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan udang kering. Tumis bersama cili kisar.
  • Bila sudah garing, masukkan rempah kari yang dibancuh dengan sedikit air.
  • Biarkan garing dan naik minyak.
  • Masukkan tulang, daging dan air. Renehkan.
  • Masukkan tauchu dan kacang tanah. Juga gula Melaka.
  • Peserta seterusnya adalah kentang, keledek dan carrot. 
  • Masukkan udang dan biarkan seketika. Seimbangkan rasa sedap dan lazat. Kalau tak sedap, memang aku insan yang lemah hanya mampu berserah. Kuikui. Biar sekata.  
  • Akhir sekali, masukkan bawang goreng, kacau sebentar dan tutup api.

          All the above are the examples of Chef Wan's cooking which is so delicious and mouth watering for everyone who look at it. Malaysia traditional cuisine will always be in Malaysian heart and Chef Wan favourite recipes. Hope you guys enjoy reading this and good luck trying!!! 


  1. wow ! those food must be delicious. seeing traditional foods being modernize like that made me want to try the recipe right now !!

  2. you are right solohin. our culture food is totally amazing!

  3. Malaysian people are not only good looking but also rich in their culture! :D

  4. best wishes for putting up an excellent job.
