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Saturday, 19 October 2013










Chef Wan Cookings

          Take a fresh look at Chef Wan’s superb cooking and delectable recipes mixed with a pinch of flair and a drop of casual elegance by the culinary master himself. 

          "I’ve started to learn cooking from my mother since I was 8. Being the eldest of seven, I really had the mind of a 12-year-old. There was never enough money for food so I had to help my mom sell food at military baracks. When you come from a humble background, you learn to appreciate that food doesn’t just come by easily." - Chef Wan 

Chef Wan's cookings

Nasi Lemak Style Chef Wan 

 Prawn and Rice Noodle Salad 


 Ayam Masak Merah   

Here's are one of Chef Wan's cooking recipe: 

Bahan-bahan Mee dan Aksesori:
Saiz hidangan: 3-4 orang
1 bungkus mee kuning (celur, basuh dan toskan)
2 keping tauhu- goreng dan hiris nipis
Taugeh- dicelur
Daun sup
Telur rebus
Cili besar- dihiris nipis
Bawang goreng
Limau kasturi/limau nipis
Bahan-bahan kuah:
2 mangkuk kecil  daging
1 kg tulang
10-12 ekor udang
4 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
Sedikit halia
3-4 sudu besar  cili kisar
2 sudu besar rempah kari
2  biji ubi kentang  sederhana besar – rebus dan dikisar
1 batang carrot – rebus dan dikisar
1 biji ubi keledek – rebus dan dikisar
Segenggam kacang tanah – sangan  dan ditumbuk/dikisar
2 sudu besar tauchu - kisar
1 ½  sudu besar udang kering
Gula Melaka
Bawang goreng
  • Tumbuk/kisar bawang merah, bawang putih, halia dan udang kering. Tumis bersama cili kisar.
  • Bila sudah garing, masukkan rempah kari yang dibancuh dengan sedikit air.
  • Biarkan garing dan naik minyak.
  • Masukkan tulang, daging dan air. Renehkan.
  • Masukkan tauchu dan kacang tanah. Juga gula Melaka.
  • Peserta seterusnya adalah kentang, keledek dan carrot. 
  • Masukkan udang dan biarkan seketika. Seimbangkan rasa sedap dan lazat. Kalau tak sedap, memang aku insan yang lemah hanya mampu berserah. Kuikui. Biar sekata.  
  • Akhir sekali, masukkan bawang goreng, kacau sebentar dan tutup api.

          All the above are the examples of Chef Wan's cooking which is so delicious and mouth watering for everyone who look at it. Malaysia traditional cuisine will always be in Malaysian heart and Chef Wan favourite recipes. Hope you guys enjoy reading this and good luck trying!!! 

Chef Wan In Other Countries

          Today in Asia with more than 25 years of experience within the industry, Chef Wan is a household name. The multi award winning celebrity Chef is known both near and far as a chef, author, actor and TV Host with his comprehensive knowledge of Malaysian cuisine, Chef Wan is in constant demand. There are always invitations from around the world for him to give talks and demonstrations. China, Germany, London, Canada, Spain, Australia and all over Europe, his infectious style never fails to entertain and educate. 

Chef Wan in Italy

Chef Wan in Singapore  

          In recent years at the World Gourmet Food and Media Awards in Beijing 2007, Chef Wan was awarded the Lifetime Jury Award at the "Le Mazille Prix Gourmand” for his contributions as the Culinary Ambassador of Malaysia to the world. In 2009 he was rewarded with the highest recognition for any Celebrity Chef with the title of  ‘Best Celebrity Chef Award’ at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in Paris.

         Learning the art of cooking from his mother and grandmother with mixed with his natural inquisitive and experimental nature and the basic culinary skills were honed.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Chef Wan Contribution towards Malaysia


          Many achievement of Chef Wan is also a firm believer of giving back to the community. He is an ambassador for several non-profit organisations such as the National Kidney Foundation of Malaysia in March 2010, 'Save Our Seafood' Campaign in May 2010 and the National Cancer Society Malaysia in November 2010. 

           Most recently, Chef Wan was appointed to be the Malaysia Airlines (MAS) Holiday Travel Icon Ambassador in November 2010 and will be creating gourmet packages for inbound and outbound holidays to and from Malaysia. His role as MAS Travel Icon Ambassador will also show him and his fans in a new reality series where they explore the world and its different cuisines. 

Chef Wan receiving his award

Chef Wan with others talented and master chef

Chef Wan Achievement


          A Malaysian icon acclaimed worldwide for his wit and unique humour has delighted millions demonstrating his cooking prowess through book and TV for more than 25 years, won and achieve many awards and recognition. AFTER winning so many accolades for his culinary expertise, celebrity Chef Wan added another two more awards. This from the prestigious National Critics Choice award in Singapore.   

           Chef Wan during receiving appreciation as the greatest Chef in Malaysia

          He received "The Life Time Achievement - South East Asia Cuisine" under the Hospitality and Dining Awards 2011/2012 category and the Best Editor's Choice Award for his best-selling cook book, The Best of Chef Wan Taste of Malaysia.  

Photos of Chef Wan achievement in launching a cooking books.

          “They asked me about my experience as a celebrity chef, the presence of reality MasterChef programme and my role as a food ambassador of Malaysian cuisine," said the 53 years old chef who is also known as Datuk Redzuawan Chef Wan Ismail.  

Chef Wan with his award of the best Chef.

          In his culinary journey, Wan has experienced many national as well as international recognitions. In various talk shows and discussion forums in London, Germany, Spain and in many parts of Europe, he has been invited to deliver his expert comments about Malaysian as well as Asian cuisine.

          Another one biggest achievement that Chef Wan has done is by launching and open a restaurant in Singapore called 1 Market By Chef Wan. The restaurant is a collaboration with Food Junction Holdings, which owns a chain of food courts and Mediterranean restaurant Medzs at Orchard Central. 

This is Chef Wan new restaurant logo.

Delicious seafood and dishes from 1 Market by Chef Wan 

          The restaurant will be on the 4th floor of the newly refurbished and renovated Plaza Singapura, which is at the end of the Orchard Road.

Background of Chef Wan

          Chinese-Muslim chef Wan has such a flamboyant sense of style and robust frame, you could hardly tell he’s 53 years old. This household name in South-east Asia has hosted culinary shows on TV, published 12 cookbooks, reviewed restaurants for Malaysian magazines and even conducted talks in parts of Australia, Europe and China.  

Chef Wan

          His real name is Redzuawan bin Ismail. He was born on 1958 in Singapura. Chef Wan family has move to Sungai Koyan, Pahang in early 1970's and had 2 children which is 1 girl and 1 boy. 

  Chef Wan with his mother, son and daughter

          Chef Wan was a famous Chef host in Malaysia and it had been shown in varios TV shows such as The Kuali Show, Chef Wan Malaysia TV3, Citarasa Sedunia Bersama Gas Petronas, Flavours of Asia which in a Singapore Television, A Taste of Australia With Chef Wan which in a Australia television, Chef Wan & Gino's Specials  which is a Europe famous TV shows and many more. 




This is one of his famous dishes which is Chilli Crab.